With cold finger experiment devices designed and manufactured independently, influence of water content, cold finger temperature, emulsion temperature and the temperature interval on the W/O emulsion are researched under the oil-water two-phase system to obtain wax deposition law of W/O emulsion. In the same temperature interval, wax deposition rate drops with the increase of water content. When the cold finger temperature is higher, the dropping trend of the wax deposition rate with the increase of water content will become more obvious. When the cold finger temperature is lower, the trend will be more flat. The wax deposition rate increases with the increase of surface temperature difference between the emulsion and cold finger. When the emulsion has the same surface temperature as the cold finger, the wax deposition rate will reduce with the rise of emulsion temperature. Based on the feature that relative quality of W/O emulsion deposition fails to change with the water content under the static conditions, it is proposed to use the relative quality of deposition for calculating wax deposition rate of W/O emulsion.