In accordance with the fluctuation of temperature signal for LNG stratification rollover and by the use of mutual information function and small data sets' Rosenstein algorithm, the time delay, embedding dimension and maximum Lyapunov exponent of rollover sample are calculated to obtain the maximum predictable time of the rollover. Similarity analysis on salt water and LNG stratification, heat transfer and convection process is made, and salt water modeling experimental system is set up to simulate the density field of stratification rollover. From the salt water modeling experiment, formation conditions of LNG stratification, rollover time and initial density differences, impacts of filling rate, heat leakage and other factors on the stratification rollover are obtained. The experimental results indicate that when the initial density difference is at 17.2 kg/m
3 and heat leakage is at 3.9 W/m
2, the rollover time is 28 h. This conclusion is consistent with the data obtained from rollover experiment in LNG storage tank.