The oil & gas pipelines regulation systems of Canada, Australia and European Union (Britain, Germany) are discussed. The advanced ideas and recommended practices of world famous standardizing organizations, including working procedure, management mode and information service are studied. The organizations, such as CSA, APIA, CEN, BSI and DIN, are closely related to oil & gas pipeline industry and are renowned internationally. Canada Energy Supervision Institutions which are independent of government departments with judicial functions are responsible for executing supervision policies. Standards Association of Australia (SA) is universally accepted as leaders in digital standard publishing domain. CEN improves working efficiency by controlling the numbers of SC (Sub-committee). BSI pays attention to the corresponding work with ISO and IEC, and assigns mirror committee in accordance with TC and SC of ISO and IEC. CEN plays an important role in ISO and 85 percent of European standards can be directly promoted to international standards. Refering to the management experience of international standard organization to establish ourself advanced and practical pipeline standard which are geared to the international standards is of great importance.