Risk of Third Party's Damage and Control Measures for West-to-East Gas Transmission Pipeline
摘要: 统计数据显示, 第三方破坏已成为管道(光缆)失效的主要诱发因素, 分析其产生的原因并采取有效措施, 对保证管道与光缆的安全运行具有重要意义。研究表明, 第三方破坏起因复杂, 随机性强, 难以预测和防范, 原因在于管道沿线经济活动频繁, 管道管理方和居民之间沟通不畅以及信息收集不力。借鉴国外在管道第三方破坏预防方面的成功经验, 提出了针对性的管理措施, 对保证西气东输管道与光缆安全具有现实意义。Abstract: Statistics data display that third partys damage has become a major failure factor of pipeline (optical cable). Making cause analysis and taking effective prevention measures are of great significance to ensure safety operation of pipeline and optical cable. Research shows that third partys damage is characterized by complicated origins, with good random, and is difficult to forecast and prevent, which rests with frequent economic activities developed along pipelines, communication is obstructed between pipeline management side and residents living around pipelines and is lack of necessary information. By means of successful experiences in preventing pipeline damage by third parties abroad, pertinence management measures against third party's damage are put forward, which is of practical importance to ensure the safety of West-to-East Gas Transmission Pipeline and optical cable.