Common Technique for Hydrostatic Tests of Large-diameter and Long-distance Oil and Gas Pipelines
摘要: 提出了大口径长输管道水压试验的分段划分原则和水压试验各工序的操作要点, 介绍了试压过程的控制方法。认为分析与掌握上水、试压及排水过程中的试验参数非常必要, 是实现量化控制试压过程的重要保证。Abstract: Sectioning principles and main operation points of hydrostatic tests on large-diameter and long-distance oil and gas pipeline are presented and control methods for the test process are covered as well. It is considered that to observe and record the experimental parameters of water injection, hydrostatic test and water discharge are highly necessary, which is a key point to carry on the hydrostatic test and realize quantitative control on the hydrostatic test process.