Blending Technique of Natural Gas and its Application
摘要: 分析了城市天然气利用中多气源并存而产生的混用性能匹配、适应特殊用户的要求等五个方面的问题, 根据分析结果, 提出了利用随天然气动流量掺混方法、文丘里掺混方法等掺混技术解决管输天然气(PNG)、压缩天然气(CNG) 和液化天然气(LNG) 等气体掺混问题的方案。Abstract: For gas blending technique in city gas, the problems in behavior matching between different gasresources and availability for individual gas user are analyzed.According to the analytical results, blendingmethods to utilize dynamic flowrate of gas and Venturi blending technique are put forward for the purposeof mixing PNG, CNG and LNG.