Selection of Vaporizers in LNG Receiving Terminal
摘要: 介绍了开架式气化器、浸没燃烧式气化器、液体介质气化器以及环境空气气化器的工作特点和使用环境。对上述几种不同类型的LNG气化器进行了分析比较, 认为这几种气化器都有各自的优缺点, 因此, 在选择气化器时, 应根据工程的实际情况, 选择最佳的类型和配置。Abstract: Operation characteristics and environmental conditions in application sites are described for ORV, SCV, IFV and AAV, comparison and analysis are made for the above mentioned LNG vaporizers.It is pointed out that the four kinds of vaporizers have their merits and demerits, thus the best type and configuration shall be selected according to actual operation condition.