The Application of Microcor Internal Corrosion Monitoring System in Shannxi-Beijing Gas Transmission Pipeline
摘要: 介绍了Microcor内腐蚀监测系统的组成和工作原理, 应用该系统在陕京输气管道进行在线监测, 通过对监测结果和间接监测进行分析表明, 6个站场的内壁腐蚀程度较低, 管道内的危害性介质含量较低, 管道受气体内腐蚀性介质的影响较小, 管道内壁处于良好的保护状态。Abstract: The constitution and work principle of Microcor Internal Corrosion Monitoring System is introduced and the system is in-line used in the gas pipeline. The analysis on monitoring data obtained from the system and indirect monitoring data show that at 6 compressor stations, the level of internal corrosion is lower, harmful medium contented in the pipe is lower, the influence of corrosive gas on the pipeline is less and the internal pipe wall is protected well.