Test and Analysis of Water Dew Point and the Points for Attention
摘要: 针对西气东输管道轮南站进气水露点高且波动较大影响管道和输气设备运行的问题, 采用在线水露点分析仪和便携式水露点分析仪对天然气水露点测试结果产生的差异及其影响因素进行了对比分析, 指出了两种水露点分析仪测试的误差范围及水露点测试应注意的事项, 提出在线水露点分析仪适用于连续监测天然气水露点变化。Abstract: On-line water dew point analyzer and portable water dew point analyzer are used at Lunnan Initial Compressor Station of West-to-East Gas Transmission Pipeline aiming at the high water dew point of the coming gas and the high fluctuation which has great impact on the operation of the pipeline and gas transmission equipment. The readings of natural gas's water dew point from the two kinds of analyzers are quite different. Comparison and analysis are made to investigate the differences and impact factors. The results show that the two kinds water dew point analyzers have different work scopes and measuring errors.and the former is suitable for continuously measuring the variation of gas's water dew point.