Technological Reform on a Vertical Heater to Increase Heat Efficiency
摘要: 针对兰成渝成品油管道末站小型常压立式圆筒加热炉结构简单、炉效低等不安全隐患, 在该加热炉工艺参数和操作条件的基础上进行了技术改造, 通过采用增加对流室, 更换燃烧器等方法, 提高了加热炉整体的安全可靠性, 为类似加热炉大修或改造提供了借鉴。Abstract: This paper provides a valuable experience in technological reform on a vertical heater to increase its heat efficiency. This light-type cylindrical heater is used as a major treatment equipment for contaminated products oil in the terminal station of Lanzhou-Chengdu-Chongqing Products Oil Pipeline. The technological measures taken on this heater include installing convection chamber and displacing burner according to the operating parameters and operating condition of the heater. The technological reform results show that the heat efficiency increases from 60% to 77%.