Discussion on the Availability of Polyethylene Tape and Polypropylene Tape in Coating Repair of Oil Pipeline
摘要: 结合冷缠胶带在东北输油管道防腐层大修的应用, 提出了冷缠带在使用过程中存在的问题。分析讨论了冷缠带在管道防腐层大修中的产品分级、表面处理、绝缘性能及服役寿命。对冷缠带在管道防腐层大修中的适应性问题进行了研究。Abstract: The authors investigate the application of polyethylene tape and polypropylene tape in coating repair of Northeast Oil Pipeline and problems in their application. The analysis and discussion are carried out on the tape classification, surface preparation, insulating property and service life of these tapes. The study on the availability of these tapes in coating repair is made.