Pipeline Engineering Geology Route Selection in Permafrost Areas of the Northeast China
摘要: 通过分析我国东北地区多年冻土的分布特征及冻害现状, 结合线状工程经过多年冻土地段的病害及冻害发展趋势分析, 提出了多年冻土地区长输管道选线应注意的工程地质问题, 以及管道工程建设需采取的防治措施, 对拟建的中俄管道工程地质选线具有指导性意义。Abstract: Based on the analysis of the geologic characteristics of distribution and geologic disaster in permafrost areas of the northeast of China, combined with the disaster in the permafrost areas along the linearity engineering, the authors present and discuss the pipeline engineering geology route selection and the engineering measures in permafrost areas. The discussion will benefit to the construction of the planning Russia-China oil pipeline.