Nitrogen Separation Technique Applied in Zibo-Laiwu Gas Transmission Pipeline
摘要: 介绍了氮气隔离置换与清管器隔离组合的四种防止管内空气与天然气混合的方案。比较分析了几种氮气隔离置换方案的优缺点。对混气段性质、充气气体流态、流速影响等问题进行了探讨。Abstract: Through the nitrogen separation case in the commissioning of Zibo-Laiwu Gas Transmission Pipeline (76.8 km in length, 355.6 mm in diameter, 4.0 MPa), this paper discusses the reliability and economy of nitrogen separation program for gas pipeline before commissioning. The article considers the nitrogen separation program as a safe practice compared to non-separator program.