A Maintenance Technique to Effectively Repair the Pipeline of Pumping Station
摘要: 针对沧临输油管道在停输状态下, 管道泄漏实时监测系统无法正常使用的问题, 提出了增设增压泵及将增压泵改为抽油泵等措施, 对站内输油工艺进行了改造, 指出, 改造后的输油工艺能够保证管道停输后维持一定的压力, 提高了管道泄漏实时监测系统的灵敏度, 并缩短了管道的泄压时间。Abstract: The real-time leakage detection system fails to use at the state of shut-down of pipeline. In allusion to this problem, a method, installing booster pump and instead of it to oil well pump, is put forward, and meantime to technically reform the transportation process of the pumping station. This technical reform is successfully made in Cangzhou-Linyi. Oil Pipeline. The authors consider that the new transportation process can hold down a certain pressure after pipeline shut-down, which increase the sensitivity of real-time leakage detection system and shorten the relief time of the pipeline.