The Outlook of Liquefied Natural Gas in World and the Rollover Phenomenon in Storage and Transportation
摘要: 阐述了液化天然气在全球过去几年发展步伐和将来的发展前景, 着重分析了液化天然气储运中翻滚机理及危害, 同时从进出料操作、液化天然气槽罐的内部结构和存储方式上提出了采取预防的措施, 以降低或消除翻滚现象的出现。Abstract: The developing steps in recent past a fewer years and outlook in the next a fewer years of liquefied natural gas in world are stated with facts of numbers. Then the mechanisms and hazards of stratification and rollover in liquefied natural gas storage and transportation are analyzed. Finally a number of technical and structural measures for protecting the rollover are developed.