Project Case: Pipeline Pigging with Dry-air in Jingbian-Shanghai Gas Transmission Pipeline
摘要: 以西气东输东段(靖边—上海)管道为例, 介绍了该输气管道在试运投产前进行的干空气通球扫线过程中的主要技术控制指标、清管器类型的选取及其相关参数的确定方法, 分析了在通球扫线中发生的清管器卡阻故障原因, 提出了相应的解决方法。结合管道干空气通球扫线的实际经验, 指出了管道试运投产前, 采用干空气通球扫线时应注意的问题。Abstract: Take the Jingbian-Shanghai Gas Transmission Pipeline as an example, the paper introduces the pipeline pigging process of before commissioning of the pipeline. The main technical parameters include the selection of pigs and determination methods of relative parameters. The failure in pig traveling is analyzed and solution to it is provided.