The Research on Waste Liquid Components inside Gas Pipeline in Winter
摘要: 为了解决天然气长输管道冬季运行因管内产生液态污物而影响管道安全运行的问题, 采用了蒸馏切割、模拟蒸馏、金属元素测定、色谱分析以及烃露点分析等技术手段, 针对现场的实际情况, 对调研、取样、试验验证及数据进行了分析研究, 最终给出液态污物的来源及解决方案, 对天然气长输管道的安全运行具有重要的现实意义和参考价值。Abstract: For the gas pipeline operating in winter, some waste liquid components exist inside the pipeline, which hazards the safety of pipeline. To solve this problem, some methods such as distilling/cut, simulated cut, metal element measuring, chromatogram analysis and hydrocarbon dew point analysis are utilized. The analysis and study on site sample and data are made. The solution to this problem is given.