Cleaning Technology for Oil Tank
摘要: 介绍了油罐清洗的作业步骤, 指出了在油罐清洗过程中应注意的事项和操作要点。认为采用蒸汽熏蒸与干洗相结合的清洗方法对油罐进行清洗, 可彻底清除罐内油污, 减少原油的损耗, 并可缩短施工工期, 降低油罐清洗成本, 为今后类似油罐清洗工作提供了借鉴。Abstract: This paper introduces the cleaning steps and cleaning requirements for oil tank. The author puts forward a combination method, the vapor-drying method, to clean oil tank and describes the cleaning process of oil tank. The method can effectively clean the oil tank with short cleaning period and cleaning cost.