Analysis On Optimization Operation of Qinhuangdao-Beijing Oil Pipeline in Way of Blended Transportation Jidong Crude
摘要: 对秦京管道因混输冀东原油后秦皇岛-迁安管段输量下降16%, 造成输油设备与运行工况不相匹配, 出现节流损失大、能源浪费大的问题进行了分析。通过采取相应的技术改造措施, 制定了秦京管道混输后的近期和长期优化运行方案。该方案实施效果表明, 优化运行方案科学合理, 目的性明确, 管道运行安全经济。Abstract: The analysis on the mismatch between transportation equipments and operation condition, more throttling loss and power consumption in Qinhuangdao-Beijing Oil Pipeline is made. This problem comes from the Jidong Crude's blended transportation in this pipeline which results in 16% decrease in oil throughput in Qinhuangdao-Qian'an pipeline section. In allusion to this problem, the corresponding technical measures for short-term and long-term optimized operation programs are worked out.