The Immersible Pump Technology-based Fuelling Process
摘要: 介绍了传统加油站采用自吸泵型加油机的加油工艺和近年来采用潜油泵加油机的加油工艺,并进行了对比。指出采用自吸泵型加油机的加油工艺存在弊端,而采用潜油泵加油机的加油工艺,可以实现一泵多枪,油罐正压出油,技术先进,工艺简单,使加油站设计更加灵活,是现代化新型加油站的技术发展趋势。Abstract: This article compares the fuelling process between the typical self-suction pump and modern immersible pump-based fuelling in fuelling stations. It is pointed out that the immersible pump-based fuelling process can realize the multi-oil gun on the one-pump basis under the condition of positive pressure, which makes the design of fuelling station more flexible and is a development tendency in modern fuelling station.