Linyi-Cangzhou Oil Pipeline is 178.1 km in total length (529×7 mm) with transportation capacity of 940×10
4 t/a, and Linyi-Linpan Oil Pipeline is 8.2 km in total length (273×7 mm) with the transportation capacity of 100×10
4 t/a, each pipeline has two pumps in operation. The former transportation capacity is lower than the design capacity (300×10
4 t/a) with throttle loss at 0.5 MPa and the latter has a throttle loss at 1.4 MPa, which result in a huge energy loss. In the light of actual operation condition, the technological transformation on energy saving is carried out. The first is to adjust the technological process and the second is to install two pumps, the offtake pump (KDY400-96×5A), in the initial pumping station. The calculation shows that the technological transformation scenario meets the needs of the two pipelines in transportation program, with the power saving at 66.7×10
4 kW·h/a and cost saving at 46.7×10
4 yuan/a.