Technological Improvement of Hydrostatic Test Process for Oil Pipe Repair
摘要: 针对中原油田采油四厂油管厂原有油管试压工艺效率低的问题, 采用了变油管单试压工位为双试压工位、安装卸压阀、更换输送线减速器、增设灌水泵四项技术改进措施, 经实践证明, 改造后的油管试压工艺不仅操作简捷、生产效率高, 而且还能有效地降低生产成本, 提高经济效益。Abstract: This paper describes the technological improvement of hydrostatic test process for oil pipe repair in Oil Production Complex of Zhongyuan Oilfield. Through systematical technical improvement, the hydrostatic test effectiveness of pipe is increased from 240-pipe/day to 410-pipe/day.