The Construction Technique of Qiuxihe River Overhead Crossing Project far Lanzhou-Chengdu-Chongqing Products Pipeline
摘要: 以兰成渝输油管道球溪河跨越工程为例, 介绍了长输管道悬索跨越的施工技术、各工序的组织情况, 重点介绍了跨越施工工艺中测量放线、基础施工、钢结构施工、管道组焊与发送等项技术, 施工经验对同类工程的施工具有一定的借鉴意义。Abstract: Take the Qiuxihe River Overhead Crossing Project of Lanzhou-Chengdu-Chongqing Products Pipeline as an example, the paper introduces the construction technique and procedure of suspension crossing engi- and delivery. It is considered that the construction experience of Qiuxihe River Overhead Crossing Project is useful and helpful for other pipeline's construction.