In-line Pipeline Plugging Technique
摘要: 针对鄯乌输气管道分输站内易出现压力超高自动泄放的现象, 对该管道末站进行安全改造工程施工, 首次采用不停输、不降压桶式封堵作业, 介绍了采用英国桶式封堵新技术工艺和施工方法, 缩短了施工工期, 节约了大量资金, 为今后类似的管道工程建设积累了一定的经验。Abstract: This paper introduces an application case of a new technology of in—line pipeline plugging in ShanWu Gas Pipeline.The plugging operation adopts British Tank—type plugging technique.The author considers that this new technique will provide a helpful reference to other pipelines.