Corrosion Control Method of Pipeline Supports
摘要: 钢质管道与支座接触处及其周围的腐蚀比其它非特殊部位严重, 由于其不易发现而被忽略, 难以维护和重新防腐, 易造成安全隐患。通过分析这种现象的形成原因, 提出了三种有效控制支座处管道腐蚀的新型支座结构方案, 可从根本上解决钢质管道与支座接触处的腐蚀问题。Abstract: This paper seeks to solve that the corrosion occurred on pipeline supports is more serious than other parts which are not any specialty. This is a part corrosion frequently occurred and being serious, and is a seriously hidden danger in safety, because it is difficult to observe, maintain and renew, and easy to be ignored. Three new support structure designs to control the corrosion are put forward, which can solve the corrosion problem.