Commissioning Technique of Lanzhou-Chengdu-Chongqing Products Pipeline
摘要: 对兰成渝成品油管道概况、管道试运投产各个阶段的做法、油水混合物的分离和首批油品顺序输送的混油情况做了简要总结, 具体介绍了站内设备单体试运和分系统试运、管道干线清扫、管道充水、全线输水联合试运、管道投油、油品分输作业等过程, 对同类型管道的投产作业具有工程借鉴作用。Abstract: This article introduces the outline of Lanzhou-Chengdu-Chongqing Products Pipeline, the main practice in different stages of commissioning and startup, the oil and water compound and contaminated products of the first batch diesel and gas batch-transported.The whole process includes unit commissioning, pipeline trunk pigging, water filling, the whole system commissioning with water, products filling, and products offtake process.