Measures to Decrease Human Metering Error of Floating Roof Oil Tank
摘要: 分析了浮顶油罐人工检尺计量误差产生的原因, 对油品采样、液位测量、温度测量、密度测量、视密度换算等环节的误差大小进行了测算, 得出了油品质量综合误差结果, 提出了减少计量误差、提高计量准确度的几项措施Abstract: The error reason existed in human metering for floating-roof oil tank is analyzed in the article. The measurement and calculation on the error produced during oil sampling, measurement on the level, tempera-ture and density of oil and calculation on apparent density of oil are made. An overall error result for oil mass is obtained. Some measures to decrease metering error and ensure metering accuracy are presented.