The Real-time Application Software for Products Pipeline
摘要: 目前, SCADA系统已成为现代油气管道系统不可缺少的一个重要组成部分, 为了更好地管理成品油管道系统, 结合现场需要, 对SCADA系统所采集的数据进行二次开发和利用。介绍了成品油管道实时应用软件系统的组成, 给出了各个软件的程序框图和应用功能。Abstract: Presently SCADA system has become an indispensable tool in all modern pipeline operating which provides certain guaranty for the safety of pipeline operation. In order to run the multi-product pipeline more efficiently, the development of real-time application softwares according to the field demands becomes highly necessary. Those real-time application softwares will redevelop and reuse the data collected through the use of SCADA system. The authors give a brief introduction of some of the real-time application softwares.