The Regression Model Used in Optimizing Operation of Pump Sets
摘要: 根据泵的实测工况点建立了泵的三种工作函数回归模型, 运用最小二乘法来确定模型系数, 并对其有效性进行了分析。泵效模型的应用实例表明, 当管道在水力光滑区或混合摩擦区运行时, 三种模型得到的泵运行参数与实测值基本吻合。Abstract: 3 regression models of operating functions for pump sets are established according to measured working point of pump.The factors of the model are determined with the least square regression method and an analysis on the effectiveness of the factors is also made.The application of pump efficiency model shows that the operating parameters of pump obtained from the models are basically consistent with the measured values when fluid falls into the hydraulic smooth rcgion and transition region of turbulent flow.