Numerical Implementation of Pump Behavior's C onstraint and Applicability Analysis on Pump Joint-work Forms for Pipeline
摘要: 提出了长输管道运行优化分析过程所涉及的泵特性约束问题、不同性能泵并联适用性判断和并联特性方程的数值方法。应用数值方法编制的分析软件, 可以根据泵型特性对由泵配置所决定的所有可能运行组合方式进行快速适用性判断, 在排除不满足设定约束值和因性能差异过大而不宜采用的组合方式后, 可以结合输量范围和管路特性, 确定实际可用的并联方式。算例表明, 该方法具有较高的精度, 为选择最佳泵组合和泵型合理配置提供了参考依据。Abstract: The numerical implementation of pump behavior's constraint in operation opt imization for pipeline, including applicability predication and solution of pump behavior equation about pump joint-work forms in which each form contains severa l different pump types, is outlined. When the constraint conditions are preset f or every running pump type, such as minimal efficiency and maximal axial po wer and so on, by the method in this paper, the applicability predication can be quite well made for all possible pump joint-work forms which are determined by the number of pumps and pump types installed in pumping/heating stations. The un available forms will be excluded in the analysis progress if they do not satisfy operation requirements or have too great difference in their characteristic amon g join t-work pumps. The calculation cases show that the numerical implementation metho d has a high precision and provides a good reference in selection and decision o f optimal joint-work form in practice.