Necessity to Expand Tank Capacity in Hoanliang Multi-purpose Station and Throughput in JingWuHuaMa Oil Pipeline
摘要: 随着长庆油田陇东华池区块原油产量的不断增加, 在保证华悦管道原油顺序输送的基础上, 对华联站进行扩建改造, 对靖吴华马输油管道实施了增输技术改造, 论证了改造技术方案的必要性, 分析了实施增输后的经济效益, 提出了增加靖吴华马输油管道分输量的建议。Abstract: With the incremental growth in oil production in Huachi Tract of Longdong Oilfield, the technical reform in expanding tank capacity in Hualian Multi-purpose Station and throughput in JingWuHuaMa Oil Pipeline is made based on the oil batch transportation in HuaYue Oil Pipeline. The necessity to make the technical reform program is demonstrated on the relationship between the oil production/transportation and oil gathering. An analysis on the economic profits after the expansion is carried out and suggestion to increase the offtake output in JingWuHuaMa Oil Pipeline is given.