A New Wax Deposition Model
摘要: 在理论分析和室内试验的基础上, 研究了原油温度、流速、管壁处温度梯度等参数对蜡沉积倾向系数的影响, 提出了影响蜡沉积的主要因素, 并在此基础上建立了新的蜡沉积模型, 该模型考虑了管流剪切对蜡沉积的影响, 利用该模型可以计算管道不同运行工况下的蜡沉积。Abstract: Through laboratory experiment and theoretical analysis, the parameters such as temperature on the surface of wax deposition, temperature gradient at this pipe wall, average temperature through the test section are studied. It is determined that the wax deposition tendency factor mainly depends on shear stress at pipe wall and temperature gradient at the wall. A new wax deposition model is established. The model can be used to calculate the wax deposition of real pipeline.