Study on Real-time Modeling Methods in the Diagnosis of Petroleum Pipeline
摘要: 实时模型法是目前国际上研究并且运用最多的管道泄漏检测方法, 采用该方法不仅能探测到较小的泄漏, 而且定位准确。在对输油管道沿程热量散失过程进行分析的基础上, 考虑油流温度对流态、粘度、密度、比热容的动态影响, 同时计入摩擦热对沿程温降的影响, 建立了管道热力和水力模型, 提出运用三维曲线对管道泄漏进行定位的方法, 并对该方法进行了改进和优化。Abstract: Real-time modeling method is a method to detect fluid pipeline leaks, which is often studied and applied in worldwide pipelines.It can detect a small quantity of leaks and is good at exact leak location.In this paper.a real time model for hot oil pipeline that detects leaks in accordance with the change of temperature, pressure and flow rate of the head and the end of the pipeline is proposed.Meanwhile, the dynamic effect of temperature change on the physical properties of oil is taken into account, and the effect of friction heat on temperature drop is also considered.