王玉江, 张连志. 全自动节能燃烧器在油田生产系统中的应用[J]. 油气储运, 2003, 22(4): 38-40. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2003.04.010
引用本文: 王玉江, 张连志. 全自动节能燃烧器在油田生产系统中的应用[J]. 油气储运, 2003, 22(4): 38-40. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2003.04.010
WANG Yujiang, ZHANG Lianzhi. Application of Automatic Burner in Oil Production System of Oilfield[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 2003, 22(4): 38-40. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2003.04.010
Citation: WANG Yujiang, ZHANG Lianzhi. Application of Automatic Burner in Oil Production System of Oilfield[J]. Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation, 2003, 22(4): 38-40. DOI: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2003.04.010


Application of Automatic Burner in Oil Production System of Oilfield

  • 摘要: 胜利油田使用的普通燃油燃烧器存在燃烧不完全、耗油量大、易爆燃、易回火等问题, 并且结焦、积碳严重, 人工点火安全性差, 全自动节能燃烧器克服了上述缺点, 是一种高效节能设备, 具有节能高效、安全环保, 投资回收期短的特点。


    Abstract: A general type burner of heater used in oil production system of Shengli Oilfiel d has many short-comings such as imperfect combustion, high oil consumption, eas y to flash fire, as well as serious coking and low safety. The energy saving typ e automatic burner overcomes the shortcomings. The paper introduces the structur e and operation principle. This kind of burner is characterized by energy saving, safety and environment preservation and short investment payback time.


