Effect on Oil Transporting Optimization for Pipeline Caused by Wax Deposition and Various Constraint Values
摘要: 在提出结蜡处理方法的基础上, 探讨了管壁结蜡及主要约束条件值变化对输油管道优化运行的影响, 同时, 又提出了结蜡危险区的概念, 分析了管道承压能力与出站节流损失的关系。结果表明, 由于结蜡、管道承压、进站压力、末站进站油温及泵特性等约束条件值不同, 优化方案也不同。合理确定相关约束条件值对优化结果的实用性、安全性及经济性具有重要意义。在结蜡及管道低承压情况下, 末站油温的确定尤应慎重, 否则有可能形成末段瓶颈, 影响管道的正常运行。Abstract: The effect on oil transporting optimization for pipeline caused by wax deposition and various constraint values is investigated. It is firstly outlined in this paper that there is a dangerous zone for pipeline operation, defined by the thickness of wax deposition on inner pipe wall. The results show that the factors such as states of wax deposition, pressure capacity for pipeline, pump behavior, requirements for oil flow pressure entering or leaving pump station and oil temperature at terminal, and so on, play a very important role in optimization process. They are closely connected and influenced each other. The optimal scheme would be different if a value among them were changed. It is very necessary to determine these constraint values carefully and reasonably before performing analysis in order to obtain a satisfactory transporting scheme from which both operation safety and economy could be guaranteed when it is applied to engineering practice.Another problem to be focused on is that the bottlenecks for oil transporting in pipeline would be generated if the oil temperature at terminal were not properly determined under serious wax deposition condition.