The Application of Plastic Pipe lines in Oil Gathering System of Tarim Oilfieid
摘要: 为了解决塔里木油田塔北地区金属集油管道腐蚀穿孔问题, 采用三种非金属管材替换原金属集油管道, 总长度达到10 km以上。介绍了三种非金属管材的性能、特点和在塔里木油田集油系统的应用情况, 并对应用状况进行了分析。Abstract: To solve the corrosion problem of metal pipeline in oil gathering system of Tarim Oilfield, 3 kind of plastic pipelines are used to substitute the original metal pipelines up to total length of 10 km. The performance and behavior of the three plastic pipes as well as their site applications are given in the article.