Cleaning Heating Oil System of Heat Medium Heater
摘要: 导热油在使用中会发生变质、分解, 在系统表面结垢, 对热媒炉运行安全构成威胁, 当导热油达到报废标准时必须及时更换, 并对导热油系统进行清洗, 通过对热媒炉导热油系统结垢的原因进行分析, 以化学清洗为例, 详细介绍了热媒炉导热油系统的清洗方法和步骤, 并对清洗更换导热油时的注意事项进行了说明。Abstract: The scale deposit on the surface of heating oil system is analyzed. The cleaning metbod of heating oil system of heat medium heater is introduced. Take chemical cleaning as an example, the cleaning steps of heating oil system and safety measures to be taken are given in the paper.