A Study on the Corrosion and Scale Buildup of Produced-Water Reinjection Pipeline in Dawangzhuang Oilfield
摘要: 针对大王庄油田回掺污水管道产生腐蚀、结垢等问题, 对回掺污水状况进行了分析, 通过在室内合成、复配以及现场试验测试, 筛选出HZ12缓蚀阻垢剂用于回掺污水管道, 现场试验表明, HZ12缓蚀阻垢剂对大王庄油田掺污水管道具有良好的缓蚀、阻垢效果。Abstract: In the light of the corrosion and scale deposit in the produced-water reinjection pipeline in Dawangzhuang oilfield, the operation condition of produced-water reinjection pipeline is analyzed. To solve this problem.a room experiment on synthetic.formula and field test to determine a corrosion inhibitor have been carried out. A corrosion inhibitor, called HZl2.is selected. The site test results indicate that this inhibitor has a good effect in corrosion resistance and scale deposit resistance to the produced-water reinjection pipeline.