Powercrete's Performance and Field Application
摘要: 帕罗特系列防腐涂料是一种以无溶剂环氧树脂为基础的双组分常温固化聚合物混凝土液体涂料, 防腐性能优异, 与裸钢、FBE覆盖层的粘接力极佳。与FBE覆盖层比较, 在厚度同为400μm时, 其耐冲击性能是FBE覆盖层的两倍或数倍以上, 耐阴极剥离性能和耐水汽渗透性能也优于FBE覆盖层。这种涂料适用于管道FBE覆盖层的保护和FBE覆盖层的现场补口与补伤。Abstract: Powercrete, a liquid coating material, has an excellent cohesiveness with bare steel and FBE coating. Compared with FBE coating, when both the coating thicknesses are 400 μm, the impact resistance of Pow-ercrete is two-fold or more of FBE coating. cathodic disbonding resistance and water/vapour resistance are also better than FBE coating. This kind of coating material is applicable to protect FBE coating fcf pipeline and field coating for welded joint.