Anti-lightning and Anti-electrostatics Program and Implement in the Relay of Korla-Shanshan Pipeline
摘要: 通过对库鄯输油管道建在线路最高点的设备因雷击或静电先后3次受损的事故原因分析, 结合库鄯输油管道的实际情况, 提出了有效的技术改造方案。改造后的库鄯输油管道最高点设备运行状况良好, 从根本上解决了线路高点设备防雷、防静电问题, 为管道安全运行提供了可靠保证。Abstract: Some valuable instruments/equipments installed in a relay (1 560.2 m above the sea leveDin Korla-Shanshan oil pipeline were damaged by lightning and electrostatics. An analysis on accidental cause has been conducted, and some countermeasures against lightning or electrostatics are put forward. By these measures, the instruments/equipments have been protected effectively.