The Development of Negative Pressure Plugging Unit for LPG Container
摘要: 针对液化石油气储罐泄漏危害大、堵漏难等问题,研制了一种用于易燃易爆物品特别是液化石油气储罐堵漏的新型设备。该装置具有重量轻、造价低、操作简单等优点。靠负压吸附力平衡外泄物压力,可堵较大面积的洞口或较长裂缝,2~5min即可完成堵漏,大大降低了操作人员的劳动强度,是目前管道系统中不可缺少的设备。Abstract: A new negative pressure plugging unit for LPG container has been developed. With light weight arid-low cost, this unit is easy to use and can plug big hole or long crack of LPG container within 2-5 minutes, and is a necessary plugging unit for LPG container or pipeline system.