Study of Multi-product Pipeline Optimum Operating Method
摘要: 在管道输送成品油过程中, 流量随时间而变, 某时刻管道的输量将由各站间供能(开泵方案)、耗能(沿程阻力)及高程来决定。随着混油段的移动, 管内输量必然会发生变化。长输管道是在泵机组某种组合方式下运行, 在一段时间内, 管道全线存有一个最优泵组合及其运行参数。通过对成品油管道运行系统的分析, 建立了成品油管道的优化运行数学模型和求解方法。通过对成品油管道系统的运行方式、设备组合及工艺参数的优选, 确定能耗最低的运行工况, 达到成品油管道优化运行的目的。Abstract: In multi-product pipelines, the flow varies with time, which is decided by the pumping number, resistance and elevation. The variation of flow must generate with the movement of mixed contamination plug in the pipeline. The pipeline always operates under a kind of combined regime of pumps. During a period of time, there are one optimum combined regime of pumps and operating parameters. Under the basis of the analysis of multi-product pipeline system, mathematical model of optimum and method of solving are developed. The goal of optimum operating can be attained, through the optimum seeking of operating manner, combined regime of pumps and operating parameters.