An Analyisis on the Force Loading on the Movable Pipelines for River Crossings
摘要: 与固定管道不同, 机动管道属临时性设施, 完成特定运行后将被拆除或转移, 以适于军用或民用需要。机动管道穿越河流时有两种穿越方式, 分为水面穿越和水底穿越, 穿越时管道一般不加保护层或套管。由于机动管道的河流穿越施工方式与固定管道不同, 因此机动管道的受力状态也有别于固定管道, 为此进行了受力状态的分析和计算, 给出了机动管道水面和水底穿越时各自适用的条件和范围, 可供设计和施工参考。Abstract: For movable pipeline, there are two different methods of river crossing, one is water-surface crossing, and the other is under-water crossing (bared pipe). The force loading on the pipelines for different river crossings are quite different. Based on analyzing and calculating the pulling force of the water-surface crossing and under-water crossing pipelines, which are caused by water flow, the paper presents respectively the applicative conditions of the two river crossing methods, with the aim of giving a reference to the engineering operations.