Dewatering Method for Excavated Ditch of Pipeline
摘要: 长输油气管道在敷设或大修时常因地质状况或天气情况的影响造成开挖管沟出现回淤、积水、坍塌等现象。介绍了用普通明沟和集水井以及射流泵轻型井点两种降水方法, 可有效排除沟内积水, 保证管道安全运行。Abstract: Silting, water accretion and collapse for the excavated ditch of pipeline are serious problems during the pipe laying or renovation of pipeline due to geological situation or weather. Two dewatering methods, a catch basin method and a centrifugal pumping method, are respectively introduced. With the two methods, the water accreted in the excavated pipeline trench can be effectively drawn off.