The Methods for Leak Detection and Location in Long-distance Oil and Gas Pipeline
摘要: 油气长输管道泄漏检测手段是管道安全运营的重要保障。介绍了国内外发展起来的石油天然气长输管道泄漏检测和定位方法——直接检漏法和间接检漏法。结合我国管道实际情况, 对研制开发及选用长输管道检漏定位系统提出了具体建议。Abstract: The methods for leak detection and location in long-distance oil and gas pipeline, which are developed at home and abroad, are summarized and introduced in the paper.In the light of specific conditions of pipelines in China, the authors put forward some proposals in accordance with the development and selection of leak detection and location system.