Corrosion Control for the Stainless Steel Pipe Corroded by Ethylene Bichloride
摘要: 在采用材质为1Cr18Ni9Ti的系统接收二氯乙烷过程中, 管道多处发生腐蚀泄漏。通过对该系统进行探伤检测及宏观检查, 发现储罐及各条管道的焊口处均存在裂纹。分析了二氯乙烷对不锈钢的腐蚀机理, 指出造成该系统腐蚀的主要原因是由于二氯乙烷物料产生的Cl-对奥氏体不锈钢产生了应力腐蚀。针对各腐蚀部位的具体情况制定了处理方法。Abstract: An analysis indicates that ethylene dichloride will corrode the stainless steel pipe(1Cr18Ni9Ti), and in a word, the chlorion(Cl-)produced by the ethylene dichloride system resultes in the stress corrosion of SS pipe. The corrosion case and repair method to the corroded pipeline system have been given in the paper.